ProjectWise Design Integration Ideas Portal

Enhance Colum display name retrieval

We have two interface ( A and B), each having a different set of attribute.

We also have two View V1 and V2

Under the PW explorer:

If we choose the combination V1+A

All the columns will be displayed and the name will be the label name

If we choose V2+A

All the columns will be displayed, however the name will be system name because the attributes being display are not part of the interface.

We are not 100% why, but this seem to have and impact on the PW web where the columns will display the wrong name. We think because the Web client pull the view for the integration server this cause a ripple effect

Request is remove the backend liaison that seem to exist between the view and the interface to avoid displaying the wrong column name.

  • Luc Poulin
  • Sep 9 2024
  • Needs review