ProjectWise Design Integration Ideas Portal

Add the ability to Scan References and Link Sets to report only and not edit the files

We need the ability to report only and not edit the files (DGN/DWG) when running Scan References and Link Sets. This would help troubleshoot problems within a project.

  • Michael McKeon
  • Jul 15 2021
  • Planned
  • Ranveer Basra commented
    08 Mar 15:46

    I feel a CSV would be best.

  • Kevin Van Haaren commented
    08 Mar 15:44

    Phil - log file as text or as csv would be very helpful. It should report:

    For CSV each line should be:

    ProjectWise File Path, Model Name, Reference File Path (as stored), Ref Logical Name, Reference found/not found

    a text log could be more formatted like:

    ProjectWise File Path

    Model Name

    Ref Path1 (logical name): Found/not found

    Ref Path2 (logical name2): Found/not found

  • Guest commented
    08 Mar 15:36

    I can see this as being very helpful. Please make this happen.

  • Phil Conard commented
    08 Mar 15:32

    Is a txt or log file acceptable? Any other formats the report should be available in (i.e csv)?

  • Kirk Peterson commented
    August 02, 2021 19:44

    I am not able to vote (or I can't figure it out), but yes I think this would be helpful. I would be most interested in this functionality as a part of the Powershell pwps_dab tools as well.

  • Ranveer Basra commented
    August 02, 2021 17:34

    This would help in the future on hours of headaches

  • Michael Meinecke commented
    July 29, 2021 11:32

    I agree

  • Alan Esguerra commented
    July 16, 2021 19:40

    The important piece is to have it reportable which references are missing and which are found in a report format without editing the file.

    The dependency viewer does not report (in lieu of a flow chart) and also does not show what's missing right?

  • Dave Cumming commented
    July 16, 2021 19:32

    I second this!

    Having a report to be able to tell which master files are dependent on which reference files...and the path where they are looking for them... without impacting any of the files that are being analyzed. That would be HUGE!