ProjectWise Design Integration Ideas Portal

New WRE Milestone operation - List_Next

As of today, the WRE logic take into account only the workflow/state combinaison of the document to configure the operations

We would like to have a new operation named: Milestone_Step

That new operation will select next/previous from a predefined list

This way when we hit the publish state, we can advance the milestone to the next step

The action on the excel sheet would be configure

Milestone_step ( or List_Next)


1 ( for the next) 2 ( to move to the second next) 3 ( to move to the third next)

The other way to implement Milestone, would be to create a combination or Milestone/Workflow/State on the Excel sheet. If we have 5 milestone, 3 workflow, 10 state this will require 150 combinaison

On top of that if we have multiple projects ( 10) each with a variation we will require ~ 1500 combinaisons

From a generic point of view, instead of milestone this new operation could be lable List_next

  • Luc Poulin
  • Nov 5 2023
  • Needs review