ProjectWise Design Integration Ideas Portal

Modify Attribute Value by Increment (Sheet Numbering)

Would like a streamlined way to manage sheet numbers when inserting one or more new documents into the middle of an existing set of documents -- say, adding new sheets #30 and #31 into an existing set of 100 sheets, bringing the new total to 102 sheets.

In this example, the desired functionality would result in all of the subsequent sheet numbers (>30) to increase by 2 to accommodate their new positions in the set.

Following the operation, Attribute Exchange can be used to push the resulting sheet numbers to the effected drawings.

Perhaps, this could be done via the Modify dialog (see attached example)

ProjectWise-integrated AutoCAD users remain attached to the Sheet Set Manager because it provides similar functionality.

  • Dave Cumming
  • Feb 11 2021
  • Needs review