ProjectWise Design Integration Ideas Portal

ProjectWise Explorer integration to Adobe Professional and Adobe Reader

Is it possible to add to our PW Explorer roadmap, integration to Adobe Professional and Adobe Reader ?


Integration in this case means :                

  • File Open/Save command in Adobe opens PW dialog screen with files.
  • Batch operations in Adobe Professional enables to select multiple files from PW , checkout it, process and check in
  • I not sure if something as titleblock is need. Probably no.


Is really common to find users working with Acrobat Professional / Reader and those people is doing things as comments, digital signatures, watermark stamp, etc


And why work inside PW Explorer interface? Because that is easy and fast.  A process as copying out files from PW, saving it to ProjectWise Share, comment it on cloud, saving it back to PW is error prone.



Nowadays, those users working with PDF files from PW need to :

  • checkout files
  • identify working directory
  • open files from windows
  • process it
    • this can be:
      • add digital signatures
      • digitally certify pdf
      • add watermarks
      • add comments
  • save PDF files into working directory
  • checkin. 


This process is error prone and tedious.



If you want to see one good sample , one product in market that has this integration with ProjectWise is Blue Beam ( . it is one Adobe professional competitor.


I think this is  complementary to our new PDF maekup service due to:


One adobe profession integration at PW Explorer level is really good for engineering people daily work, where they need agility to work internally in their companies.


Our PDF Markup services is good for collaboration. That means good for companies ‘talking’ to other companies, using documents published/shared for external comments.


  • Rogerio Duarte
  • Aug 16 2019
  • Needs review